“How is School Going?”

  Have you asked someone that question since the new school year began? This simple question can open up a good discussion about what is going on in the life of a young person. You might get to share a memory of your days in school.

  Now, imagine that someone asks you the question. Many in our church will respond that they have not been in a school classroom in over fifty years – and for some of you that number might approach seventy. So you respond with a story about your favorite teacher or subject.

  What you may not realize is that every day we live is time spent in God’s school of education. Before you think I am coming up with something new, I must point you to what the Bible says about this vital topic.

  Proverbs 1 invites us to attain wisdom, understand words, do what is right, and much more. Verse five calls the wise to “listen and add to their learning.” We can never have too much wisdom or understanding. Psalm 119:33 reflects what should be a normal part of the Christian life, “Teach me, O Lord, to follow Your decrees; then I will keep them to the end.” Consider praying this for yourself and others.

  The Bible stresses that knowledge involves more than our brain cells. James 1:22 calls God’s people to not just hear the Word of God, but to also do it. Biblically informed faith must be shown by works that show a life changed by the truth of the Bible. God’s Word teaches us to glorify God in all we do.

  If you watch WLOS news, occasionally you will see a segment called “Never Stop Learning.” While focused mostly on students in high school and younger who are expected to graduate and then contribute to society, we have the joy of growing (per 2 Peter 3:18) “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever!”

  What did you learn in God’s school of education today?


In His school with you,

Pastor Gillikin